Five essential steps to supercharge Xero

Xero is powerful software to run the finances of your business. In this how to post, we'll show you how to setup the 5 simple and essential supercharging (automagifying) steps that every Xero file should have.

1. Get Bank Feeds connected

Making sure your bank feeds are connected ensures you can reconcile your bank account on a daily basis.

It's best to work with one of the banks that has a strong bank feed for your business. We generally prefer Westpac and CBA. This is because they also have a very good VISA / Mastercard debit card linked to the transaction account. NAB has strong bank feeds, but requires a separate bank account for the debit card, which adds complications to overall transaction listings.

For detail on how to connect your bank feeds.

2. Custom Email "reply to" address

Ensuring your Xero file has a custom "reply to" email address despite who uses Xero allows you to ensure one point of call for all of your Xero correspondence. This allows you to use an "Accounts" email address as the reply to email or if your Xero username is different to the email address you want your customers and suppliers to use.

Learn how to customise your reply to email address here.

3. Customise Email templates

The email templates in Xero are basic, and it is important that you customise how your customers and suppliers hear from you (via Xero).

4. Set Invoice Reminders

5. Link Stripe for payments

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